Prof. Dr. rer.pol. Heidrun Hoppe-Wewetzer
30167 Hannover
Research & Teaching Interests
- Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy
- Information Economics
- Dynamic Games
- Banking and Finance
My current research interests are primarily directed towards developing and analyzing theoretical models of dynamic R&D processes. This includes the analysis of experimentation strategies and learning process in R&D competition. The research draws on methodologies of game theory and statistics. My research also combines game theoretic methods with cell biological and molecular biological approaches to investigate group and population formation processes in the presence of heterogeneous externalities.
Curriculum Vitae
since 2006
Full Professor (W3), University of Hannover, Department of Economics2004 - 2006
Associate Professor (C2), University of Bonn, Department of Economics2002 - 2004
Assistant Professor (C1), University of Bonn, Department of Economics1998 - 2004
Assistant Professor (C1), University of Hamburg, Department of Economics1995 - 1998
Teaching Assistant, University of Hamburg, Department of Economics -
Academic Qualifications
Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Economics, University of Bonn1999
Dr. rer. pol., summa cum laude, University of Hamburg1995
Diplom in Economics, University of Hamburg1991 ‐ 1992
Fulbright Scholar, Clark University, USA, Department of Economics1991
Vordiplom in Economics, University of Göttingen -
Grants & Awards
2014 - 2016
Volkswagen Stiftung, Research Grant for a project on „Competitive Group Selection with Heterogeneous Externalities“, joint with Prof. Eyal Winter, Dept. Of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (EUR 218.100)2013 - 2015
German Science Foundation, Research Grant No. HO 3814/1‐1 for a project on „Research, Development, and Innovation Under Rivalry“ (EUR 162.500)2000
DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowship1998
Young Economist Award, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics1999
German Marshall Fund of the U.S. Grant No. A‐0375‐021998
German Science Foundation, Travel Grant No. KON 22471991 – 1992
Fulbright Scholarship for Economics, Clark University, USA -
since 2019
CEPR Research Fellowsince 2017
Central Ethics Committee Member of Leibniz University Hanoversince 2010
AcademiaNet Network of Excellent Female Scientists2004 - 2006
DFG SFB‐TR15 of Berlin, Bonn, Mannheim & Munich, Board Member2003 - 2008
Young Academy at the Berlin‐Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Germany Academyof Sciences Leopoldina, Member -
Editorial Activity
2023 - present
Co-Editor, German Economic Review
2009 – 2012
Co-Editor, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Referee Activity
- American Economic Review
- Review of Economic Studies
- Journal of Economic Theory
- Theoretical Economics, Games and Economic Behavior
- European Economic Review
- Journal of the European Economic Association
- International Economic Review
- Economic Theory
- RAND Journal of Economics
- International Journal of Industrial Organization
- Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
- Journal of Industrial Economics
- Economics Letters
- Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation
- Management Science
- Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
- German Economic Review
- German Science Foundation (DFG)
- German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
- Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Lectures & Seminars
Bachelor Program
- Introduction to Microeconomics
Master Program
- Microeconomics